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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: amy77418 on November 08, 2006, 10:18:29 AM

Title: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: amy77418 on November 08, 2006, 10:18:29 AM
OK, in the last week my almost 2year old son has started showing interest in riding. Finally! we thought he was going to grow up to be a tractor driver... Now all he wants to do is ride and we only have big horses to lead him around on while we hold on to him. I just don't know if he is old enough for a really bomb proof old pony (if we can find one) or not? <..>  What age did all of your kido's get to start riding? I am really getting in shape leading him around though ??? At least if he had a pony I could lead him around and not worry about him being so high up! thanks guys  >PEACE<
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: cold n classy on November 08, 2006, 11:32:24 AM
I started riding at the age of 3 but I did start on a shetland (and I normally hate those things!)...he was a true babysitter!!!  When I grew up we had to learn how to ride and keep our balance....we didn't have the magic seats to hold us in......I think the earlier they start the better off they are....but that's just my own opinion.....

Yea, it's hard to find a BOMB PROOF horse that's for sure!!  People these days will sell you ANYTHING and never look back!!!!!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: Karol on November 08, 2006, 01:32:56 PM
My daughter was 3.  We found her a great little mare (12 hands) and she rode her until she was 10, then I moved her to a bigger/faster mare.
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: JC on November 08, 2006, 09:14:06 PM
As soon as mine could sit up and grab the saddle horn they were leadlining my oldest started riding on her own at 3 my youngest just started at 4 1/2 so I think it depends on the kiddo and the horse!!
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: amy77418 on November 09, 2006, 08:32:50 AM
Thanks guys we will probably wait till next year for the pony. for now we can just lead him around on Junior. I really need the exercise anyway  :yes: It is just frustrating trying to ride after work while he is screaming "mama ride"! (woohoo)
We even set up his big rocking horse in the barn and that lasted about 1 min! :\\(((
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: Tamet Gould on November 09, 2006, 01:33:51 PM
 rofl rofl rofl
Title: Re: Kids age to start riding?
Post by: Lou on November 14, 2006, 08:20:47 AM
Times sure have changed.  Way back in 1980, when my son was born in the middle of summer, he would not sleep for nothing.  Hated the rocking chair, but my dad had an old gray mare that had the smoothest walk you could imagine and was so so gentle.  I would get on her when my son was about 3 weeks old and within minutes he would be asleep.  She was the best rocking chair around.  Wasn't the smartest thing to do and I sure would not do it now but then it was fine.  I was holding my two month old grandson last night and we were talking about the old times and I looked at that little bundle of joy and told my daughter about my son and the old mare.  My daughter turns 12 today and has been riding just about a year.  She has already said that when she outgrows her little gelding which is 14 hands, she is handing him down to her nephew so he can enjoy the things she has missed out on until lately.  Really made my son proud of his little sister that she is unselfish and willing to share.  My son grew up with the old mare until she became ill with cancer and had to be put to sleep.  They made many a playday and have lots of trophies and ribbons and LOTS of miles that were behind them.  Good luck with your child.  Lou