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Beneficiary Of 2007 Funds Grant By Priory Of Sion Society


Bob Gould:
This is a scam just delete it.

Dear Beneficiary,

The Priory Of Sion Society of Edinburgh under the jurisdiction of the all Seeing Eye, Master Nick Cobb has after series of secret deliberations and random ballot as selected you to be a beneficiary of 2007 first quarter foundation laying grants and also an optional opening at the round table of the Priory Of Sion Society.

These grants are issued every first quarter of the year around the world in accordance with the objectives of the Priory Of Sion Society as stated by King Francis Aurthor I in 1815 which is to ensure the continuous freedom of man and to enhance mans living conditions.

We will also advice that these grant funds awarded to you which amount to $350,000.00 be used to better the lot of man through your own initiative and also we will go further to inform you that the open slot to become a Priory Of Sion is optional.

I hope you understood and for more information's on what you are to do to make claims of your grant funds awarded to you, do contact the Grant Claims Office Co-Secretary, Name: Barr. Richard Salter, E-mail: [email protected], and do send along your personal information’s (Names, Residential Address,Occupation,Tel/Fax Numbers Sex, Age and Country) for the procurement of the necessary document that will enable you make claims of your awarded funds promptly.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Judith Ernest.
Priory Of Sion Society of Palmerston Place Lane, Edinburgh


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