Stallion Advertising
Advertising Rate - $150 for 12 months (1 Year)
1st Stallion

Do you want to place a photo with your STALLION AD?

If Yes click here and attach your photo to the email and send separately.

This TEXT BOX is for one STALLION.  Each STALLION MUST be Entered in a separate TEXT BOX
: (200 words or less) This is the exact text that will appear online.

Do you have a video that you want placed with your AD?  If so, choose YES and we will contact you with instructions.

Phone # where people can reach you concerning the classified
Email Address you want to use in reference to the classified

If you have more than one STALLION you are advertising, place your next STALLION in this area. 

Do you want to place a photo with this Classified?

If Yes click here and attach your photo to the email and send separately.

This is for one STALLION, Each STALLION MUST be Entered in a separate TEXT BOX
: Place your 2nd STALLION ad text in this box. (200 words or less) This is the exact text that will appear online.

Do you have a video that you want placed with this AD?  If so, choose YES and we will contact you with instructions.

Phone # where people can reach you concerning this classified
Email Address you want to use in reference to this classified.